Check out the tips below for best practices on how to format your data for an upload! This includes both tag and model data uploads. If your file is larger than 50MB, reach out to for assistance and the Numinar team will assist with uploading!
💡In Numinar, you can easily upload your own data into your account. Check out this how to article for more details.
Data Formatting Tips (uploading directly into Numinar)
Data Formatting Tips if larger than 50 MB (sending to to upload on your behalf)
Data Formatting Tips (uploading directly into Numinar)
File format needs to be an Excel or CSV (no zip)
Need an ID column (RNC reg # or state voter ID)
Columns can have any names, you just assign it to the tag or model it corresponds to
The file can contain extra columns, they just get ignored if you don't assign to tag or column
Whether a column is a model vs tag is decided by what tag/model you assign a column to
Data Formatting Tips if larger than 50 MB (sending to to upload on your behalf)
File format should be CSV.
Compressed as a .zip is fine
ID columns should be formatted as such:
Column name must clearly indicate whether it is a state voter id or RNC/DT reg id
Unique values: if two rows have the same id value, only the second will be ingested
Ensure that conversion from e.g. Excel didn't strip leading zeros
Subsequent columns:
Header = Name of tag, exactly as you want it to appear (can be for new tag or existing one)
Values = Value for voter, exactly as you want it to appear
If a column has no data for a voter it should be totally empty or say
Remove any columns in the data that you don't want made into a tag or model.
Indicate which columns are models vs tags.
Formatting for Model Uploads
💡Check out these tips for uploading a model. If your file is larger than 50 MB, reminder to send the file to for assistance!
If your model values do not fall between 0 and 1, you much convert the values. How model conversion works:
If all values are decimals between 0 and 1, kept as-is
If there is any value < -1 or > 1, values are converted into a decimal by dividing by 100
If there is any value < 0, model is re-mapped to between 0 and 1. So something that was -1 is now 0, something that was 0 is now 0.5, something that was 0.6 is now 0.8, etc.
My upload failed and it's smaller than 50MB.
My upload failed and it's smaller than 50MB.
This is a suggested file size, upload may be variable based on your machine and your browser! If you have issues, contact