Calling is easy with Numinar! First step for creating your call project is to create a call list.
💡You can call landlines or cell phones in Numinar.
Step 1/7 : Click on Lists
Step 2/7: Click on New List
Step 3/7. Label your list and click create list
Step 4/7: Add your desired filters
Step 5/7: Select which filter values you would like to add (they will turn green when selected)
Step 6/7: Add either "has land line" or "has cell phone" filter
It is very important to filter by voters with either a cell or landline number because we won't want to attempt calling voters with no number on file.
Additionally, we recommend using the Phone Reliability filter. Read more about that in our FAQ at the bottom of this article.
💡 Our software defaults to using the cell phone if both a landline and cell number are present on the voter file. To avoid duplicate calls, create a cell phone list and a landline list. In the landline list, add the cell phone filter with No Data filter option selected. This will select voters that have only a landline on file.
Step 7/7: Save your list
💬Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use both landline or cell phone filter in the same list?
Can I use both landline or cell phone filter in the same list?
Yes! We have a filter for "Has Cell or Landline." We default to the cell number provided.
What do the reliability filter values mean?
What do the reliability filter values mean?
It's a measure of the likelihood that the cell phone actually belongs that particular voter! The reliability filters use an H, M, L, U scale meaning High, Medium, Low, and Unverified. We recommend always select High.