Not only can you collect your own data in Numinar, you can easily bring in (upload) outside data! Check out the steps below to learn how to upload data as a tag and also how to use it in a list for voter contact.
💡 All uploads must contain the three following items to successfully process:
Either an RNC Reg ID OR State Voter ID
A Tag to associate the ID's with
Column Headers to designate which columns hold your ID and any additional Tags
If you would like to learn more about Tags, please check out our What is a Tag Article!
Step 1/21: Click on Tags under Data
Step 2/21: Click New Tag
Step 3/21: Label and create your tag name
It should match the tag name used in the spreadsheet you will upload!
Step 4/21: Check that the tag name in the file matches the tag created in Numinar & you have a State Voter ID or RNC reg #
Tags are the column headers in a spreadsheet and the tag value is below it. Tag values can differ. In this example, it's a spreadsheet of all voters who voted in the special election, "true."
🚨Tag names cannot contain commas. Please remove or rename any field that contains a comma.
🚨Make sure to de-dupe lists before attempting to upload them. Excessive duplicates can cause errors / failed uploads. Here is a guide on finding duplicates in Excel.
Step 5/21: Back in Numinar, click on Upload under Data
This step is done after you have created the tag name so the data can map in.
Step 6/21: Click on Upload Data
Step 7/21: Click on Upload data from file
This is where you will select the spreadsheet that has the matching tag name and either State Voter ID or RND Reg #.
Step 8/21: After you selected your file and uploaded it, you will get a screen confirming the upload is processing
Step 9/21: Check the tag name / column header looks good
Step 10/21: If so, then click on Yes
Step 11/21: Click on Confirm mapping for desired tag value...
The left-hand side is the value from the file you uploaded and the right-hand side is from Numinar.
Step 12/21: …and confirm mapping for either RNC Reg ID or State Voter ID
You can only use one! No need to select both the state voter ID and the RNC reg, only choose 1.
Step 13/21: You can ignore other columns you don't need imported
Step 14/21: To change the mapping, click the drop down if needed to select another tag or ID name
Step 15/21: Click on Review
Step 16/21: If all looks good, click continue
Step 17/21: Click on Yes to submit
Step 18/21: You will get an email and a notification on the magic bell when complete
Step 19/21: Go back to tags to check the upload
Please allow enough time for the upload to process before you check!
Step 20/21: To access the tag or make it actionable, go to Lists
Step 21/21: Select the tag and desired value in your list
You can then use this list for a new project for voter contact!
💬Frequently Asked Questions
What type of file do I need for a data upload?
What type of file do I need for a data upload?
It's best to save the file as a CSV.
Will my upload work without a tag?
Will my upload work without a tag?
No, you must create the tag in your Numinar account before starting the upload and ensure it is a column in your spreadsheet for the upload. The column header and tag you created will map to each other when you do the upload!
Can I upload new phone numbers, addresses, or emails?
Can I upload new phone numbers, addresses, or emails?
No, you cannot override existing voter data such as address or phone number. Numinar does not support email.
Why didn't my upload work and it's for voter data in Wisconsin or Nevada?
Why didn't my upload work and it's for voter data in Wisconsin or Nevada?
Wisconsin and Nevada have state voter IDs that are variable and have leading zeros, this means it's important to have the leading zeros in the file when doing data uploads for these two states. Alternatively, you can use the RNC reg number. Check out this article about how to avoid leading zeroes.
Why didn't I receive a notification via email about my upload being complete?
Why didn't I receive a notification via email about my upload being complete?
You may have accidentally unsubscribed from notifications. Email to help get you resubscribed!
Can I use the uploaded data for voter outreach?
Can I use the uploaded data for voter outreach?
Yes! You should! You simply access the tag in a new voter list and complete the steps for creating a project.