Tags are labels that you can apply to voters based on specific criteria and accessible in lists. Check out the steps below for how to create a new tag, see tag responses, and for using tags in a survey.
💡Tags are added to voters 3 ways: 1) from fielded survey responses 2) from a data upload or 3) Individual voter search.
Step 1/7: To access Tags, go to Data and click on Tags
You will see a full list of tags created in your account. This is a full log of tags from surveys and also data uploads.
💡Check out this tip box on "What are tags?"
Step 2/7: To create a new Tag, click on New Tag
Step 3/7: Label and create your tag here
Step 4/7: Open a tag to see responses
Responses are from either surveys (as voter outreach is completed) or from a data upload. This view is a great way to see the overall response rate or values for tags.
Step 5/7: In surveys, each survey question should have a tag
In this example, the canvassing survey has a "turnout" tag affiliated with it since the question is about voter turnout. The tag should correspond to the question.
Step 6/7: After creating the tag, you can add it to the survey question when editing
Step 7/7: You can also access tags in Lists
You can create a list based on a tag and make it actionable for another project!
Add tags to individual voters through voter search:
Step 1/7: Click search icon
Step 2/7: Search voter you want to tag
Step 3/7: Click on Tags
Step 4/7: Click on Add Tag
Step 5/7: Select the tag and add the value
Be sure the value matches the other options to stay consistent
Step 6/7: Click on Add Tag
Step 7/7: Review tag
💬Frequently Asked Questions
In surveys, do tags correspond to each question or response?
In surveys, do tags correspond to each question or response?
In Numinar, each survey question (not response option) is assigned a tag. The response options for a tag will be accessible in lists with that tag. Although assigned to a question, tags are not directly linked to the question itself.
Can I tag voters individually?
Can I tag voters individually?
Yes, from the desktop you can search for a voter and tag them. Soon you will be able to tag voters from mobile app!
Can I upload outside data into a tag?
Can I upload outside data into a tag?
Yes! There is no limit to the number of tags you can create. However, the upload tool is capped at 1 million rows. If you want to upload more data than that, please, reach out to us at support@numinar.com and we will handle it manually for you. We cannot guarantee that we will always be able to manually upload the data if your volume of data is so large that it affects your database performance.
Check out this article for how to import data into Numinar, which requires creating a new tag.