The second step for a creating a poll (text survey or IVR survey) project is to create a poll script. To read more about text vs. IVR surveys, check out this article.
💡IVR poll scripts can be done by uploading your own audio or using our text to voice feature.
Step 1/10: Click on Messages
Step 2/10: Click on New Message and Click Survey
Step 3/10: Label and create survey
Step 4/10: Click on Add Question to start writing your survey
Step 5/10: Check out this example IVR survey poll
Note, IVRs will automatically include OPT OUT language in the automated voice reader. If you upload your own audio file however, you will need to include OPT OUT language when recording as well as reading out the response options. You must also have name attribution.
Step 6/10: Add your own audio file for an IVR in the advance options as well as jump logic, randomize, & pin last response
If you upload your own audio, you won't need to write out the question, but you will still need to write out the response choices and have a tag for the question! Randomizing and pinning responses is a great tool for eliminating bias and encouraged to be used for polling purposes.
With Jump Logic, you can have your survey jump to a question depending on the response given.
Click the dropdown menu "Show Advanced Options" to turn on these advanced options.
Step 7/10: Add tags to your IVR survey poll questions
Step 8/10: Check out this example text survey poll
Note, text surveys must have OPT OUT language in the first question. You should have name attribution as well. You can read this article about how to stay compliant for texting.
Step 9/10: Randomize & pin last response in the advance options
Randomizing and pinning responses is a great tool for eliminating bias and encouraged to be used for polling purposes.
Click the dropdown menu "Show Advanced Options" to turn on these advanced options.
Step 10/10: Add tags to your text survey poll questions
💬Frequently Asked Questions
When and why should you randomize and/or pin last response?
When and why should you randomize and/or pin last response?
Response options should always be randomized to help eliminate bias. When selecting this, voter 1 may receive Ronald Reagan as the first option and voter 2 may receive George Christopher as the first option. Pinning last response should be used for an "other" response option like unsure, undecided, other etc.
How long can my poll be?
How long can my poll be?
You can have as many questions as you want. However, we recommend in general to keep it short and sweet! Voters have short attention spans, so try to have it less than 3-4 questions if possible and lead with the most important question since there will be drop off.
How do I stay compliant?
How do I stay compliant?
You should have name attribution and OPT OUT language in the first question (both for text and IVR). You can read more here about text compliance.